Thursday, May 31, 2012

Changi Sports Medical Center

I have always had a nagging ache in my lower back - particularly on the right side.  It's due to poor posture, I don't hold myself upright enough and I tend to sit on the edge of the chair and lean forward at the screen while at work. 

Since I upped my running mileage significantly since 2011, the ache has also increased in intensity, to the point when it hurts during a run instead of after.  Or maybe I worsened the injury supporting a tottering Matty, thank goodness he can now walk on his own.  I&M both go to this physiotherapist at the sports clinic and highly recommended her. 

After delaying for months, I finally made an appointment.  Drove over and realized it occupies a whole wing of Changi Hospital - the Changi sports medical center.  And within it, the Musculoskeletal Clinic.  I am impressed!

The physiotherapist is also a marathoner.  She quickly identifies the issue.  My running gait is incomplete and I lack balance, especially with my right leg.  Hence the pain in my lower back.  Next session with her, I need to bring my runners and we'll do some work on the treadmill.

I am truly impressed with Singapore.  This is a cool country indeed.  Now all we lack are cycling lanes on our roads and I'm never leaving this place again.

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