Thursday, November 08, 2012

Bad behaviour in the elderly

So just because you're older, you think you can throw all courtesy to the wind and get away with bad behaviour?

First my mom starts behaving badly.  Now my uncle too?  It's a daily test of patience.

Mon - I arranged a nice slow ride to Gardens by the Bay for him on Monday evening.  Asked Peter to come along for the fun of it.  Planned the route and to be honest, Peter and I are a little excited about it.  Uncle doesn't even show up.  Had to call Peter in a hurry to cancel - thankfully Peter's a good friend who takes last minute cancellation without fuss.

Tue - Asked him along for dinner with Ian/Michelle/Matty.  Restaurant is near home - at East Coast Park.  Long delay, finally he replies to say he has already eaten.  It's been years since he last met Ian/Michelle and he's never met Matty, but clearly, that does not matter to him.

Wed - Asked him along for cycling with my usual cycling group.  Rode really slow along the PCN until F2 carpark.  Uncle trailed behind on his foldie.  I looked back, waited and he has done the Houdini on me, again.  I went back searching for him.  No sign of him.  I just knew he wandered off without much consideration for others.  He did.  When asked about it much later at home, he nonchalantly mentioned I didn't need to worry.  *tear hair out*

I never expected him to ride with the group at our pace.  I explained that.  Just ride easy along the park, meet the group for supper, talk to the big happy group of fellow cyclists, like-minded people, it will be fun.  Definitely healthier than staying home and trawling the web for nonsense.

Thu - Hesitantly told him I was eating with Michy and Matty while Ian works late.  Uncle asked to come along. Told him to take the MRT and meet us at NEX.  He text back to say he is at my home, insinuating I was to pick him up.  It would take me a long time to battle rush hour traffic east and then back up north.  I texted him back to say IF, you want to join us, please take the MRT and leave soon!  He did.  Thankfully.  And he was mostly good.  Until after dinner, back at Ian/Michy's place when instead of being gracious as he should as an elder, he started boasting about his 24-room home in Thailand and how it's all marble flooring.  It was 10pm, Ian hadn't had dinner and so before he further insults anyone, I announced loudly we are going home.

Fri - Skipped out of dinner with Uncle.  Reached the end of my tether.  I got home late, almost 11pm.  Saw that he used my washing machine to do laundry.  Unhappy.  When I commented that I would be happy to do his laundry for him if he asked me, he boasted that washer-cum-dryers (which is what I have) have been around for 10 years.  That was not my point!  I was not boasting about my appliance, I am expressing concern that he operated it without knowing it's features since it is a little more complicated than a normal washing machine.  To top if all off, he started to boasted that he brought 5th uncle into my house to view it - yes, very good, now strangers are in my house in my absence.

Sat - He decided that since I was busy with my sports on weekends, he will go stay with his daughter.  I should be happy except when I got home, I saw he threw the guest bath towel onto the kitchen floor, just in front of my trash bin.  What did he use it on?!  Should I throw it away now?  What a nice departure gift... not.

And he wonders why he's such a pariah with the family.  The extended family is huge and yet after 2 weeks here, he met up with just 1 cousin?  Everyone else he called was too busy to meet up with him.

I am pretty sure I shortened my lifespan by a day or two just in my last week .

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