Thursday, June 14, 2012

Back on the saddle

My last ride was last month - I had somehow missed 4 rides in a row due to either rain or other reasons. 

I was nervous, thought I'd accompany the Ele as sweeper.  But somehow that didn't happen.

I had started off in the front of the group, but everyone else started easy last night, with the group 1 peloton only roaring by along Changi Coastal road.  Someone yelled my name, I inserted myself into the space created for 3 mins then got dropped unceremoniously.

Soon, a sad ragged group 2 formed consisting of similar wannabes who jumped on the train then got spat out.  Chugged along slowly until I chanced upon Shinghui/Kahhoe and Mr Anderson.  Inserted myself behind this little pack and drafted at 35-39km/h all the way to Shell. 

At Shell, Peter and I offered to be sweeper for the return leg and McGyver Kelvin helped us along too.  With 3 of us, we could take turns to stay as last man, while the other 2 take a short distance speed race.  It actually got pretty fun.  Shoot off until you can't, u-turn, pump the legs, u-turn back to the last guy, tag off  with a "谢谢,换你来!".  Still kept to R&R's motto of "safety and fun"!

Pity I'll be missing more rides in the upcoming weeks with some travels and my house renovations.  I will be back yet!

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