Thursday, June 28, 2012

Packing haphardly!

I usually formulate my pack list days ahead of the trip, build on over days and the day before leaving, just need to put stuff into bag.  It is a proven system for me.

Wasn't the case yesterday.  Although, the day wasn't all bad.  I had dinner with Matty.  I asked him if he was still coughing, he said "a little" (ok, it sure sounded like that!), I laughed and repeated the question, he looked me in the eye and said again, "a little" then smiled his toothy grin.  How can a kid like that not make you melt?

I got home at 10pm to pack and realize my pack list is in the office.  Brilliant Felicia!  Then I couldn't find my Ugg boots which I wanted to wear.  Tore the room apart, no Uggs.  Don't tell me I messed up in Taiwan?  I loved those boots - my uncle bought me those!  By then it was close to 1am and I was too depressed to continue packing.  Went to bed and resumed packing in the morning (while simultaneously on an 8am conference call).

In the process of tearing room apart, I found Speedy (my Polygon bike)'s normal pedals.  I knew I didn't get rid of them, just couldn't find them for the life of me!  Now who was it that was asking me for these?  Hmm...

All done now but I certainly don't feel assured I got it all! 

Too nervous so I canceled lunch with David Oh - even though he is rarely in Singapore, but I'm not in a good state of mind now!  I'll make it up to you David, somehow someday!  Did I pack sports bra?  Arghh.. need to check!

Going to Vivocity for lunch so I can grab some $2 gloves from Daiso, change AUD and buy a toothbrush that I forgot to pack. 

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