Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hello 995, I need an ambulance!

Was at noon mass at Novena when the woman in front suddenly feel back onto the seat, I can see her eyeballs rolled back.

The person directly behind her (European accented, perhaps French?) looked at me ? in her eyes.  After like 2 seconds of blankness, I asked "are you ok?".  No response.  (Duh, how to answer in a faint?)

Frenchie and I shared more scared looks another couple of seconds.

Then Frenchie herself, tries a pat-pat "are you ok?"... Still no response.  (I thought we already established that a fainted person does not reply to questions!)

I pulled phone to dial 995 while kind people (who knew what to do), came over to help lay the fainted woman flat, apply medicated oil to her temples.

In the meantime, mass continues...

All too surreal for me.  I decided that I would go outside to wait for the ambulance. 

Ambulance arrives in just a few minutes, but the paramedics want to know if there's a ramp nearby so they can push their stretcher up without overcoming the short flight of stairs. 

I am not coherent in emergencies.  All I could stammer was, "she's just over that, up this little flight of stairs!".

Paramedics gave up on me, follow me up the stairs.

I squeeze back to my seat beside Frenchie and attempt to follow the mass while watching the paramedics carry Ms Fainted out.

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