Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why is it all so complicated?

First it was the Monica fiasco, now there's a Corinna-Derek misunderstanding brewing.

Speaking of Monica... I fell over on my cleats (yes again).  I need to stop less abruptly so I can lean over the unclipped side - duh!  I keep losing balance trying to lean left.  So there I was, falling over in slow motion and all I saw was Monica's front wheels bearing down on my head as I lay vulnerable on the road.  Scared the jeepers out of me.  Was that really necessary?  I know you hate me, but was that really necessary?!

Ok, I digress.

Cor & Derek.  By right, they should click.  Both are totally independant & totally into sports.  Both share cycling as their fave sport of the moment, amongst others like climbing, hiking, swimming.  It is troubling to see them fall out over YMCA.  I tried to stand up for Derek, but in the process made things worse, dragging in poor Zi.  Alamak.  Apologies everyone.  

Seriously though, Derek can lapse into queer moments (everyone's human!), but he is not stingy nor is he calculative.  In fact, he is very generous.  A lot of people in the group have benefitted over the past years from his generosity including myself - he has bought numerous meals, mounted more than 1 hangboard, given numerous car rides, celebrated birthdays, loaned his gear without hesitation (spared me needing to carry my rope/runners Taipei-Singapore-Krabi & then reverse), arranged trips, bought the group 100plus & drinks (excluding the time in Keelung when he bought rice wine instead of water when we were dying of thirst - even so, that was funny).   He even sacrificed his Aramis to spare us all from bio-warfare.

I am praying that this misunderstanding blows over soon.  Cos I really like Corinna, that plus her ability to cycle like a cyborg!

People are complicated.  Why can't things remain simple and friendships stay happy and cool?

I need Matty in times like this.  He is totally uncomplicated.  I love you Matty, hi5 with godma!

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